Select Current and Completed Funding


2025-2027      BEACON: Building Equity in Aging and Cognitive health for African refugees through Outreach and                                Networks

                        UK ASCEND 

                        Role: Principal Investigator


2024-2029       Elevating efforts to recruit and retain HBCU scholars in the aging field

                        National Institute on Aging R13

                        Role: MPI; MPI: Tamara Baker-Thomas and Candidus Nwakasi


2023-2025       Sleep and Alzheimer’s disease risk among older African Americans 

                        Alzheimer’s Association - AARFD

                        Role: Principal Investigator


2023-2027       Early characterization of determinants of brain health and AD risk in older African American men. 

                        National Institute on Aging K99/R00.

                        Role: Principal Investigator


2022-2024       Exploring the pathways to Alzheimer’s Disease in older African American men.

                        Michigan Center for Contextual Factors in Alzheimer’s Disease (MCCFAD).

                        Role: Principal Investigator


2022-2023      Cross-validation of risks for Alzheimer’s disease in African Americans with Yoruba people of West Africa.

                        National Institute on Aging RO1 supplement.

                        Role: Co-Investigator; PI, Mark Gluck; MPI, Adesola Ogunniyi


2022-2023   A University-Church Partnership to Promote Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness, Risk Reduction, and                         Research Participation in Older African American Men.

                        New Jersey Health Foundation

                        Role: Co-Investigator; PI, Mark Gluck


2022-2023    Comparison of Alzheimer’s Disease risk between African Americans and Yoruba people of West Africa                        Rutgers Global International Collaborative Research Grants. 
                       Role: Co-Investigator; PI, Mark Gluck


2021-2023      An evaluation of cancer survivorship in Black and Latinx cancer survivors in Rhode Island.
                       NIH-Rhode Island IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (RI-INBRE)
                       Role: Consultant; PI, Candidus Nwakasi


2020               Identity negotiation and integration among Black Americans diagnosed with chronic illness. 
                       Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI) Grant-in-Aid
                       Role: Principal Investigator


2020                Incorporating service-learning component into a social determinant of health course. 
                        Internal Education Foundation grant (IEF), Union College
                        Role: Principal Investigator


2020                Piloting an equity-based cancer intervention program for low-income communities.

                        Faculty Research Grant (FRG), Union College

                        Role: Principal Investigator


2019                Eldercare obligation in the context of modernity.

                        College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) Research Excellence Initiative, University of Kansas

                        Role: Principal Investigator


2016/8             Contextual variation in the experience of eldercare.

                        University of Kansas Psychology Department Summer Research Fellowship

                        Role: Principal Investigator


2017/9             Social determinants of cancer detection among African American men.

                        University of Kansas Jack Brehm Basic Research Award in Social Psychology

                        Role: Principal Investigator


2017                Conception of relationality as a predictor of eldercare.

                        Psychology Strategic Initiative Grant (PSIG), University of Kansas

                        Role: Principal Investigator


2017               As you are, I will become: Conceptions of Relationality and Wellbeing as Predictors of Eldercare. 
                       Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI) Grant-in-Aid
                       Role: Principal Investigator